Link to article Don't lose anything! Protect the information on your device
With the arrival of the latest technological advances, we have acquired a kind of “Diogenes of information” syndrome . We try not to get rid of any type of file or document, and little by little we fill up the storage memory of our devices.
In addition, these files contain personal information that, if it were to end up in the wrong hands or if it were to be lost, could cause us a lot of problems.
Have you ever thought about what would happen if all the notes you keep belgium phone number data on your smartphone were lost? Or if the photos and videos you have in your phone's memory ended up in the hands of a stranger? Just thinking about it makes you nervous! For this reason, we are giving you some tips for you to put into practice with your mobile devices.
1. Physical protection of the device:
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When we talk about physical protection or security, we are referring to the measures we can implement to protect the information on our devices in case of theft or loss.
One of the first layers of security we can provide as users is the use of passwords to unlock our device.
The second layer of protection, to prevent cybercriminals from accessing our data, would be to download “anti-theft or loss” applications . Remember that they must be downloaded from official platforms and always kept up to date.
There are anti-theft applications for Android, such as Find My Device , which allow us to:
Locate our device , if for example we do not know where it is or it has been stolen.
Erase all information on the device to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.
Lock the power off option , so that it always stays on.
Generate backups automatically , so we will have the latest version of the information on our device.
They even allow you to block the SIM card to add an extra level of security.
Something similar happens with Apple, which automatically comes with the option to “Find my iPhone” . In this case, it can only be located if the device is on.
2. User account management:
While on Apple mobile devices there is no option to have multiple users on the same device, on Android we can have multiple accounts on the same device.
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The advantages of having multiple users are:
- The possibility of sharing our devices with other users , maintaining specific settings for each account .
- In addition, the data will be stored privately , making it impossible to access it from another user account.
- Have a different selection of applications for each account . We can even have a specific account for our children as parental control, another for management and procedures, another for leisure, etc.
3. Creating backup copies:
A very useful way to keep information safe, and above all, available at all times, is through backups . Whether you have an Android or an iOS device , you can and should create backups of all the data stored on your mobile so you don't lose any.
It is advisable to keep backups in different formats. One option is to create them in the cloud. Android gives you the possibility to do this in its Google Drive , just as Apple offers iCloud . These can be configured so that specific files are backed up on a daily or periodic basis.
The other way to make backups would be to store them physically , either directly on your computer, or on an external hard drive . Connecting the mobile device to the computer and creating a folder that includes all the files you want to copy. You can keep this folder on your computer's hard drive, although it would be best to copy it to an external hard drive along with the rest of the backups on your devices.