As August approaches, the Adecco Foundation has detected that many job seekers, especially those who have been unemployed for a long time, are feeling a certain frustration that prevents them from calmly planning their holidays and enjoying them.
“When summer comes and they have not achieved their work objective, they tend to think that they do not have the right to rest and sometimes they even feel guilty if they enjoy leisure activities and free time” - says Arancha Jiménez, Director of Operations at the Adecco Foundation. However, “they forget that looking for work is a job in itself, which can be exhausting and tiring like any other. Holidays mean a period of rest in which a normal task is interrupted, which does not have to be strictly a job: it can be a training course, a Master's degree, a period of intense job search …” - she adds.
“The uneasiness increases as time goes by without work, a circumstance that is becoming more and more common, if we take into account that long-term unemployment has increased by 86% during the last five years, affecting in a particularly intense way the people we serve at the Adecco Foundation: people over 45 years of age, people with disabilities, women with unshared family responsibilities and/or victims of gender violence or people at risk of exclusion due to a critical economic situation” - concludes Jiménez.
10 tips to enjoy the summer
In this context, experts from t on highlight 10 mexico phone number data fundamental recommendations for all unemployed people in order to make the most of the summer period and forget about the stress of looking for a job:

Convince yourself: you are closer to your goal . The work you have done so far has not been in vain, but is part of the job search process. Maybe you have been rejected from interviews or you have not been called for that offer you so longed for. However, you have not wasted time, but have taken very firm steps that will bring you closer to your job goal. You have to believe it and to do so it is important to write down everything you have learned at this stage. You have surely acquired skills to perform better in an interview or perhaps you have improved your CV with training in IT or languages. Everything adds up and brings you closer to the goal.