Search for respondents

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Search for respondents

Post by Reddi2 »

One of the most popular questions about custdev is how many interviews need to be conducted. It is recommended to have at least 20 interviews for each segment. The exact number is not known in advance and depends on the quality of the answers. You can start custdev with a small sample and gradually attract more participants.

How to find respondents? Let's list several sources.

Working with the sales department contact database: calling or sending out mail.
Parsing email addresses.
Meeting through social media accounts.
Professional forums and communities.
Offline events.
Working with opinion leaders who have subscribers from the target audience.
Feedback collection platforms.
Services for finding respondents.
Respondents can be motivated by rewards. This could be:

partial or fully open access to the product;
monetary reward;
discounts, promotional codes and other great offers;
Useful content: webinars, checklists, manuals.
5. Conducting CustDev interviews
There are two types of interviews: problem and solution.

The problem interview is built around the consumer and his pain. The questions of the problem interview reflect:

consumer needs and objectives;
the difficulties he faces;
current approach to solving the problem;
whether he is satisfied with the current solution.
The solution interview is built around the product. Such promote your business with our ios database a castdev meeting can be held either separately or together with a problem interview. A representative of the target audience is given a prototype of the product to test, after which they find out:

does the product solve the user's problem;
if not – why;
what strengths and weaknesses of the product does the user see;
is he ready to purchase the product.
6. Analysis of the obtained data
To systematize, enter the answers you received into a table. It should contain the following information.

Information about respondents.
Segment information.
Answers to all questions asked.
Important points in the answers.
Interviewer's notes.
We recommend that you separate the answers you receive into segments based on common features. Then compare what you get with the hypotheses.
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