5 Ways to Improve Your Lead Generation Forms

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5 Ways to Improve Your Lead Generation Forms

Post by tonmoypramanik »

Your Digital Marketing actions allow you to generate more and more visitors to your website. That's great. But what do your salespeople and your general management think about it?

Having visitors to your website is good but it is not enough to gain customers.

Even if your digital marketing performance indicators on visitor attraction are green, you are missing one essential thing: lead generation .

Converting your visitors into leads inevitably involves submitting a form, so improving your lead generation forms should be your priority.

1. Focus on the essential fields
Getting information is good. Getting the right information is better.

To avoid turning your lead generation form into a police interrogation, focus on malta email list the elements that are essential to you.

To select the critical information to ask your visitors, align the marketing and sales departments . Both departments need information to best process the leads generated.

Summarize it to keep everyone happy and update your fields in your lead generation forms.

New call-to-action
2. Guide your visitors as much as possible: drop-down menus, labels and “ Placeholders ”
When filling out your contact form, your visitors will most certainly have to ask themselves questions.

The types of answers you ask your future lead should not distract them from taking action. By this, I mean that your visitor should not ask themselves: “what type of information should I put in this field?”

They risk leaving without finishing your lead generation form or filling it out with the wrong information.

To avoid this, guide your contacts as much as possible by indicating the type of information expected in specific fields using Placeholder .

Also opt for drop-down menus to avoid typos and insert clear labels in front of all your fields to minimize input errors.

3. Minimize distractions
Filling out a lead generation form is a critical moment in lead generation. A single element that disrupts your visitor during their action will prompt them to abandon.

To prevent your lead from running away before completing the lead generation form, you need to provide them with a distraction-free experience.

To limit the number of potential errors, you should also minimize the number of actions required by your visitor.

His only concern is to fill out your contact form .

You must therefore remove from your Landing Page the navigation menus, the links to other pages and of course the CTAs ( Call-to-Action ).

4. Clearly indicate error messages
Mistakes sometimes happen even when you think you have optimized everything for your visitors.

A typo, an inverted field or even a forgotten field happens… often.

In these cases, your visitor will have the unpleasant experience of not being able to press the “Download this white paper” or “Validate” button.

Worse, if he has to spend several seconds searching for where his mistake comes from, he risks losing patience and closing the page he is on.

So your visitor will never become a lead. It all comes down to a small detail, but it's the details that make the difference when it comes to lead generation.

If there is an error when entering your lead generation form, you must be very specific about what you expect from your visitor. Otherwise, you risk seeing them leave.

5. Adapt your forms according to the purchasing journey
Imagine that tomorrow you are offered to participate in an activity for which all participants will receive a reward.

Owl !

Except that this reward is a bottle of water and the activity takes you all day.

Does the deal seem unbalanced to you? You yourself would not participate in it?

Your visitors feel the same way when you ask them to provide 15 different pieces of information to receive a 5-page white paper.

To improve your lead generation forms, you absolutely must adapt them to your visitors' purchasing journey.

To do this, it is customary to request an average of 5 to 6 fields per form and to opt for solutions that allow you to put smart forms online.

Smart forms mean you never have to ask a visitor the same question twice. For example, you can retrieve 15 pieces of information if your contact downloads 3 different resources from your website.
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