A mystery shopper is a method used by companies to find out if their points of sale offer quality service.
The process involves the mystery shopper pretending to be a regular consumer who visits the store to evaluate the employees without their knowledge. The consumer asks questions, makes a purchase, sometimes comes to return a product, with the purpose of analyzing the service he or she is receiving.
The mystery client, also known as the Mystery Shopper, prepares a ghana number screening report with the observations made, which is shared with the organization, allowing them to collect reliable information that will help make the necessary corrections to the service offered by the business.
Characteristics of a mystery shopper
Among the most important characteristics of a mystery shopper are the following:
He has the ability to adapt his personality to any scenario, without employees noticing that they are being evaluated, since he naturally faces any situation.
He has the ability to listen and observe the environment in which he operates.
They have a memory that helps them remember details and report them accurately after visiting a point of sale.
You have the ability to describe your visit, talk about your experiences and feelings either orally or in writing.
It is objective and reliable, and respects the instructions given by the organizations.
A professional mystery shopper stands out for his genuine help to help companies improve the quality of their customer service .
Benefits of using a mystery shopper for an investigation
Among the main benefits of using a mystery shopper are the following:
It allows you to find out if your employees can provide timely information about your products and services.
It helps you evaluate the quality of customer service offered at your different points of sale.
Find out if your employees are correctly implementing established promotions and communicating them correctly to employees.
Find out why you need to conduct a mystery shopper study with this article we have for you.