It is also important to think through the conditions for a comfortable negotiation process

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It is also important to think through the conditions for a comfortable negotiation process

Post by mehadihasan123 »

Work out the expected objections of the interlocutors. It is also necessary to plan the place of negotiations, the exact number of people participating in them, time frames and other organizational issues. Drawing up a negotiation plan Creating an atmosphere of mutual trust High-quality negotiations are impossible without a trusting and friendly atmosphere. This means that the participants hear the opinions of the opponent, make mutual concessions and compromises, and are attentive to each other's desires and needs. To create such an atmosphere, you must first prepare for the negotiations psychologically. For this, you can and should involve the relevant professionals.

Sometimes, outside specialists are invited for this. Their functions usually include monitoring compliance with legal norms and local conditions of specific negotiations. They are also a kind of regulators during the senegal whatsapp phone number communication itself, ensuring that the agreed rules are not violated. How to Choose a Negotiation Strategy The word "strategy" has ancient Greek roots, originally it meant "the art of a commander". Now this term has acquired a broader meaning. To briefly express the meaning of the expression, strategy is understood as a model of actions to achieve a result.

How to Choose a Negotiation Strategy There are many classifications of negotiation strategies. The most commonly used of them is "WIN-WIN", which was invented by the staff of the Harvard Negotiation Project. These are William Ury, Bruce Patton and Roger Fisher. The strategy was published in the form of a work "The Path to Agreement, or Negotiating Without Losing". It resembles the Thomas-Kilman grid. The latter names five basic scenarios of human behavior during conflicts: avoidance, accommodation, compromise, rivalry, cooperation. Based on the main provisions of this systematization, four key negotiation strategies can be identified: WIN-WIN (COOPERATION) strategy.
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