Branding and thought leadership

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Branding and thought leadership

Post by arzina221 »

Lots of ad hoc, little strategy
Website B2B Marketing recently published the Social Media Benchmarking Report , in collaboration with Circle Research. The study is about trends and activities in the field of social media by B2B organizations. They processed a summary of the results in the infographic below. It shows that only 38 percent of B2B entrepreneurs have a strategy for social media (in 2011 this percentage was 25 percent). The vast majority works ad hoc when it comes to social media.

Google+ important in 2014
Despite the fact that strategic deployment is lagging behind in many organizations, entrepreneurs do see the need for social media: 47 percent consider social media to be important resources. One in ten calls social media 'critical'. The most popular social media platform for B2B companies is Twitter (85 percent), followed by LinkedIn (82 percent), YouTube (77 percent) and Facebook (71 percent). Respondents expect to use Google+ more often in the coming year .

Video is currently the most important type of content for B2B organizations. More than 71 percent use video, followed by short text messages (65 percent), images (60 percent) and white slovenia phone data papers (49 percent). The social platforms are used by the organizations for various purposes. The 3 most important goals that the respondents mention are ensuring more traffic to the website, brand positioning and strengthening the position of the organization as an expert in the market (thought leadership).

Want to read more results about the use of social media by B2B organizations? Then quickly scroll down to view the infographic. Click on the image for a larger version. In addition, a summary of the research report (PDF) is available.

Social media usage by B2B organizations in 2013 [infographic]
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