Have People Try Your Product Before They Buy It

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Have People Try Your Product Before They Buy It

Post by lopebix427 »

Stop telling potential customers how great your service is and instead start offering free plans and trials to show them.

People understand best what they have experienced themselves.
Not every visitor has as much product knowledge as the product owner, and most don’t want to spend hours reading about the topic in the beginning.

Therefore, the easiest way to show them strong evidence and increase the perceived value of the product is to offer them a free trial.

Many B2B SaaS companies often use free plans and short-term trials as part of their customer acquisition process, ultimately increasing the perception of product value.

Screenshot of Popupsmart's signup page showing reviews from other customers on the right
For example, a no-coding popup builder like Popupsmart offers visitors a free trial with limited access, providing a quick and user-friendly experience.

In this way, the chance of purchase and customer loyalty increases as users experience the product firsthand.

Finally: Try to customize your free trial to take into account your product’s learning curve so that the potential customer gets to experience it in the most accurate way possible.

4. Pay Attention to Your E-Commerce Branding
How you display your product or service impacts your customers' impressions and evaluations.

When someone enters your store or visits your e-commerce site, they create your brand's identity in their mind.

This is the power of first impressions, and you should use it to your advantage.

A screenshot of the Poketo website design and product pages
You can maximize the perceived value of your product by creating an expertly designed site, packaging, and visually pleasing product pages .

Screenshot of Poketo brand add to cart product page, showing the product and add to cart morocco whatsapp phone number button
Check out Poketo's eye-catching product photography, providing visitors with a clear, neat, and organized experience.

Additionally, vibrant colors make the brand and its products more attractive to customers.

Remember, no matter how great your products or services are, with poor branding and design your customers may not see the real value you offer.

5. Provide Excellent Customer Support
I cannot emphasize how important customer support is in increasing the perceived value of your product/service.

No matter how many articles and videos you share talking about your product, most people look for human support when they need technical support.
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