We now need to tell the software which user and password to use to manage the database and specify its type. In this case, I just read the documentation of the image to know that the instructions exist PMA_USER, PMA_PASSWORDand PMA_HOSTthat I lined up under the instruction environmentto create a specific environment configuration.
The official WordPress Docker Container image allows very advanced and useful environment georgia whatsapp resource configurations for development, ranging from the PHP version to the WP-CLI version. I therefore invite you to discover them all to better customize your development environment, after all this is the true power of Docker and it is up to you to know how to exploit it!
Now that we have our file docker-compose.ymlready to use, all we have to do is tell Docker to compose our Containers as arranged in the configurations.
To do this we need to navigate with the terminal to the folder of our project containing the file and type docker-compose up -d. The command upwill only start the Containers and if they have not yet been created it will take care of doing it for us by also downloading all the necessary content from Docker Hub . This operation will download the images to a local cache that will allow you not to have to repeat the download operation every time you decide to start those specific images in different projects.
You may have noticed that I used the flag -dwith the command up, in reality the command works even without it, but this flag allows us to start the Containers in a non-verbose way and to continue using the command line without filling it with outputs that are not very interesting for our purpose. The command up -dwill also be useful to restart the Containers that we have decided to stop.