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Opportunity to launch Skilled Answers and involve even more people.

Post by najmus96 »

Why a video?
Yes, why am I advising you to use a new media? After all, using our time to create content that our potential customers are looking for on the Internet is not enough?

I'll tell you straight: no .

Breaking our backs all day hunched over our keyboards is not enough because our audience is varied and may respond differently depending on the form your content takes. Already in the same writing it is suggested to change the types of articles we create , imagine if a new media acquires a certain importance!

Since 2013, every year I have heard people say “This is the year of guatemala whatsapp resource video on the Internet” and despite the fact that video content has increased dramatically, it is still a type of content that is truly under-exploited … This is a real shame because, as demonstrated by several academic studies , information retention increases by up to 80% when content is presented both visually and audio-wise .

This was one of the first reasons that pushed me to create my courses also adding this format , the students are much more satisfied and it gave us the

Obviously I'm not advising you to make videos simply because it's a type of content that is used and appreciated . To get results you'll have to implement intelligent strategies and the advice you'll find in this article is just a small part of it.

Before you even spend your energy on this activity, you need to understand if videos are content that your audience likes.

For example, as Neil Patel reminds us in this article , sometimes you just have to observe what your competition is doing and if you notice that the video content is highly appreciated by your audience (or rather by that of your competition), it means that we are having the right ideas. For example, if you talk about cooking in your blog and search for “risotto recipes” on YouTube, you will notice that there are many videos with many views, these are signs that this type of audience really likes material presented in this form .
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