The power of video lies in telling stories that you can see and hear . The viewer also wants to look at people. People for whom he can feel something, with whom he can identify. Daily life, the workplace and the common man are therefore grateful subjects. Below are two successful examples:
In short, video is a visual medium. That sounds obvious. The problem is that the message you as a communications professional want to tell on behalf of your organization may not be so visual right away. My experience is that these stories are often text-driven at first . They rely on quotes or voice-overs while a strong visual cue is lacking. For example, a lot of factual or even abstract information has to be conveyed.
To make such a story suitable for video, a translation is needed. You have to visualize the message. Be creative. Visualizing is thinking in images. How do you see it, as concretely as possible. And ask yourself the following question: why should this story be told in video? The answer to that question will give you visual clues. If not, ask yourself whether video is the right medium.
Visualize by looking at your message through the eyes of a filmmaker. Of course, the filmmakers you work with will help you with this and provide ideas. Try to tell your story through images and try to limit text-based elements such as quotes and voice-overs as much as possible or keep them as concise as possible. Keep your story simple and limit yourself to the essence. That sounds easy, but is often the hardest part.
The examples below show that you can tell a australia phone data story
Are you choosing video as a medium for your communication message? Then make sure you translate it well from written language to visual language. Use video to tell exactly those stories that video is good at. If you make smart use of these possibilities, you give your film the greatest chance of success.