Starbucks, people are working hard on what could be the new Facebook. Well-known names such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, Apple, Facebook, Groupon, Yahoo and so on, have all established themselves in Silicon Valley . What makes the San Francisco Bay Area so attractive for innovative startups? And what role do we Dutch people play in this? To find answers to these questions, I have been doing research in recent weeks.
What is striking is that there are many universities in the San Francisco Bay, including the prestigious Stanford University . Stanford played an important role in the creation of Silicon Valley. For example, Hewlett and Packard, two Stanford researchers who later founded the successful HP . And Page and Brin, the founders of Google , also met during their student days at Stanford. But studying is not the only thing. More than technical knowledge is needed for great success, namely creativity. And that is exactly what startups are so good at.
stanford university
Stanford University.
can always buy nice things for little money and make nice things yourself. It was actually more out of fun.” When she looked at her public Hyve the next day, curious and with a nice dinner in hungary phone data mind, she suddenly had 300 friends. The bet was won and the dinner was secured!
From 300 friends to 32,000 fans: the statistics
This is the beginning of perhaps one of the biggest successes of a retail chain on social media. And that has everything to do with Ria. Because she kept Hyve, actually just out of curiosity. She posted pieces about new items she had seen and how you can make things at home even more fun with the stuff from Action. And her number of friends grew and grew.
Ria Struijk
In November 2011 she switched to Facebook and her network grew even more. Of course the first fans were the ones she brought from her then very popular Hyve. After that it developed like a snowball. Due to the rapidly growing popularity of the Facebook page she was noticed on various forums. Links were placed to her fan page here and because of that the number of fans grew even faster. Most of her new fans come via the reference on the Action site or simply via friends of fans.