Should you go as far as some of us and have professional photos taken? No, of course not. But make sure you have a clear, recognizable avatar that is suitable for the medium in question. For LinkedIn, choose a clear portrait photo (so no logo!) in an acceptable resolution. Preferably do not post a holiday or night out photo on LinkedIn, save that for Facebook. Twitter accepts more creativity and individuality. Make sure that the appearance of your avatar reflects the content of your tweets. That is more recognizable.
Richard Gere giving Julia Roberts a name and character in Pretty Woman worked well for her. But that's not how it works on Twitter and LinkedIn. Don't let people guess what you do and what your interests are, make sure you have a biography! Then they can quickly determine whether you are interesting to link to or follow. What should you pay attention to when filling in your biography on Twitter and LinkedIn?
You have 160 characters to present yourself, india phone data besides your avatar, on your profile. That may seem like a small amount, but it is enough to present yourself on the following topics;
Who are you and what do you do?
What do you mainly tweet about?
What sets you apart from the rest?
Where can people read more about you (link to your website or LinkedIn)?
Personalize your background screens, 'be unique'!
Who would you rather follow? Left or right?
twitter account egg and no egg
LinkedIn is a great place to put information. From education and work experience to awards and distinctions. Start with the following.