Crowdfunding of scientific research

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Crowdfunding of scientific research

Post by Arzina333 »

The fact that social motives may be more important for financing would lead to a new type of shareholding. This undoubtedly has consequences for the organization itself. For example, what would have happened if Facebook had sold its shares not to institutional investors but to all its members? Would the drop in value have occurred immediately after the IPO? Or do the members finance much more from a long-term perspective?

Committed crowdfunders offer opportunities for follow-up financing
The first experiences of startups that use crowdfunding show that crowdfunders are involved in the company and expect regular updates on the progress. Crowdfunding therefore creates obligations. By regularly feeding the crowdfunders with new information, opportunities for follow-up financing can of course be created.

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Universities and other knowledge institutions are also eagerly looking for new forms of financing. By bringing a crowdfunding campaign to the attention of groups of people who have an interest in the research results, the campaign can be driven to greater success.

Patients fund drug research
Consider, for example, the search for funding for research into new medicines. Since patients will eventually use the medicines, they will be willing to make a small financial contribution. jamaica phone data They will also be excellent ambassadors for the campaign, since they know the symptoms of the disease very well and can convincingly indicate their importance. Finally, a successful crowdfunding campaign for specific research can have political consequences: if a large group of people indicate through their donation that they find this subject important, this is a clear signal to politicians.

4. Crowdfunding for municipalities & government: public-civil partnership
(Local) governments also have to make do with smaller budgets. As a result, you see that the government is shedding a number of tasks or trying to outsource them to other parties. Public-private partnerships, in which the government works together with the business community, have been common for some time. Nowadays, you see that cooperation between government and citizens is more common; so-called public-civil partnerships.
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