Differences between branding, brand and visual identity

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Differences between branding, brand and visual identity

Post by sakib30 »

Although branding, brand and visual identity are often used as synonyms, they are not really synonyms. The truth is that to have a solid business, you must build the brand and a strong and consistent identity; just the logo design is not enough.

To understand the differences between branding, brand and spain number screening visual identity and to build a great brand, there are three key terms you need to keep in mind to understand their differences:

Brand : How people perceive your company.
Branding : the actions you take to create a specific image for your company.
Brand Identity : The collection of tangible brand elements that together create a brand image.
Before learning about the concepts of branding, brand and visual identity, you must know exactly what each one is.

What is branding?
Branding is the set of " intangible" assets of a company, service or product. It is a definition of an " emotional relationship" between customers and the business.

Branding could be defined as an experience. Branding development consists of a company's mission, values, visions, and voice. So you could say that it's like a great customer experience with the brand. It's the way you make your audience feel about your brand . What stays in their mind when they think about your business. In a way, it's the psychological relationship that is established between company and customer.

Branding is the personality, the style of your business that is what your customer will experience when using your product. It is what helps shape your business and what helps you differentiate yourself from your competitors, among other things.

In this way, the strategy that can be proposed to create branding is how, what, where, when and to whom you want to communicate and show the messages and values ​​of your brand.

Quoting a quote from Walter Landor : “ Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind.”

People fall in love with brands, trust them and believe in their superiority. A clear example of this is Apple . There are fans of the brand who have bought and will continue to buy its products even if they are not the best or cheapest than the competition or the market.

What is brand identity/brand design?
Famous brands

Brand identity / brand design refers to what you see and feel about a company. When you look at their images (some call it visual identity) . This includes colors, fonts, logos, alternate logos, graphic elements, photography . Branding goes hand in hand with brand identity and sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference.

You can understand it better with an example. Dior projects an exclusive and elegant brand image. And their style goes along with it. That's why they have a simple website, with their iconic logo and use colors like black, white or neutral colors. They also use famous people for their advertisements like Johnny Depp or Charlize Theron. It's the perfect combination of branding, brand, brand identity and brand design. And this helps create a special experience with the user which is the ultimate goal of branding.
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