Good tool for basic tag management

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Good tool for basic tag management

Post by Arzina333 »

develop (and at a rapid pace) into a fully-fledged tool. Some advantages and disadvantages of Google Tag Manager in a row:

Google Tag Manager Benefits

Easy to use;
Quickly place new tags;
Easily edit existing tags yourself;
Faster page loading (than when placing separate tags);
Ensures that competitors are kept on their toes.
Disadvantages of Google Tag Manager

No personal service (only via web or certified partners);
Tag Manager currently only supports the standard Google Analytics tag. Additions and modifications to the code are not supported, for example: e-commerce, events, Google Analytics remarketing , cross domain tracking, 404 page tracking etc.;
Complex tags such as consumer research, online chat, etc. are not supported (tags containing variables);
No control over the order in which the tags should be served;
Tool does not yet respond to current privacy law. For example, Google Tag Manager cannot handle visitors who indicate that they do not accept any or only necessary cookies (paid tag management peru phone data tools do respond to this);
No de-duplication of conversions;
No attribution;
No refunds and data loss when tool goes down.
Getting Started with Google Tag Manager
In the steps below I will explain how you can easily get started with Google Tag Manager yourself.

Step 1: Log in or create an account

and log in with an existing Google account or create an account for your company. If you do not want to share your data anonymously for benchmarking, uncheck the box. Tip: if you manage websites for multiple clients, create a new account for each company.

Step 2: Create container
Create a container for your domain name and give it a name, for example the name of the website in question. Set the time zone and domain name. Then click 'next'. Tip: create a separate container for each website. The container contains the tracking tags that you use for the website. Think of analytics, conversion tags, remarketing tags etc.
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