Over the past five years, advertising budgets have been significantly reduced, leading to poorer and less effective decisions regarding creative strategies.
That’s the conclusion that marketing effectiveness expert James Hurman has drawn from research conducted by Lions and WARC . During the session “Small Budgets are Making us Stupider”, broadcast as part of the second edition of Lions Live , he sought to demonstrate that when spending is limited, industry professionals inadvertently make decisions that diminish the potential effectiveness of their work.
Creative commitment is linked to the budget, duration and media of campaigns
To do this, he uses the concept of “creative engagement,” a term cambodia number screening he introduced last March in conjunction with the study “ The Effectiveness Code .” This principle states that marketing effectiveness increases based on the campaign budget, its duration, and the number of media and channels used to disseminate it. By assigning progressive numerical values to each of these variables, it is possible to calculate a score for the creative engagement of the different campaigns.
On the contrary, effectiveness will decrease if brands reduce their investment in these three factors. “ The most alarming finding was that the advertising industry has significantly reduced its creative commitment to campaigns over the past decade, which has directly affected creativity and the value of marketing itself ,” said Hurman.