Mobile Marketing: A Magic to be Made

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Mobile Marketing: A Magic to be Made

Post by shakilhasan15 »

If mobile usage has grown by 51% compared to last year and if 86% of the time we spend on mobile is using an app to play games or to interact with others (such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.), it follows that a company is required to also use Mobile Marketing if it wants to continue to engage and retain its audience.


On the one hand, apps offer people the opportunity to use services, have fun playing games or enjoy engaging content. On the other hand, they become an indispensable tool for companies to collect information about their customers , understand their habits, be able to prevent their actions and understand their opinions regarding the service offered or the brand itself.


One of the consequences that come from the analysis of the data provided by the apps is the possibility of creating targeted, personalized and direct communication : each customer is placed at the center of the communication, because they are known by name, their interests are known and because they can be present when they need it, communicating it with a personalized message.

How to make the magic of Mobile Marketing happen ?

1. Personal knowledge
The registration required to access the services hong kong telegram phone number list by the app provides us with information about the demographic profile (name, age, gender), but it also allows us to know what the preferences are regarding the technology used (the device used and the operating system) and what the interests are.
All this information must be used by the company to build buyer personas , the archetypes useful for identifying types of users and above all to understand what the motivations underlying their actions are.
People can thus be activated based on their characteristics that distinguish them: personalized messages can be sent to them, for example, based on gender, age or geolocation.


2. Engagement
The analysis of data collected on the web, but especially through the native app , provides us with important information on how people move online, through which sites: this allows us to understand what interests them most and at what times of the day they are most active on our app .
Understanding how our users interact with our brand is of fundamental importance: we can identify the key factors in terms of behavior that transform people into top-users , we can identify the different levels of interaction and therefore the different types of customers grouped based on the relationship they have with the brand. Based on the different level of involvement, we can articulate different messages to send in-app or directly: for active customers, for “dormant” customers, for new customers, or for those passing through.
We can also identify warning signals to identify customers who are about to abandon us (for example, simplifying, if a lower frequency of use of the app was detected) and reduce the abandonment rate.
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