What is CNAM? Feature that displays the caller's name on the screen. When you make a call, the recipient will know who is calling before they answer the call. It's especially useful for businesses because turkey mobile phone numbers database it instantly lets customers know who's on the other end. CNAM, also known as caller name delivery, can significantly impact the customer's experience of the call. Instead of seeing an unfamiliar number, they see a familiar name, increasing their chances of answering. How does CNAM work? The mechanics of CNAM start with your phone service provider.

They maintain a database that stores links to your name and phone number. When you register for the Service, you will provide the Provider with your name or company name. They then add this name to their database and associate it with your phone number. When you make a call, first, your number goes to your carrier's database. The system checks the number and finds the name associated with it in the database. It then sends your name to the recipient's screen. If the person who answers your call already has your number saved in their contacts under a different name, this feature may not work.