The daily LEAN meeting

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The daily LEAN meeting

Post by Mitu3120 »

When we decided to really commit to being LEAN at Benchmark, we knew we would have an additional challenge, as our team is spread across the globe. Could we realistically teach the LEAN concept to our team of over 140 Benchmarkers operating in 9 languages ​​across 8 time zones? Or more importantly, could we build a LEAN culture that would permeate into how we make decisions and how we work every day? Well, these were some of the important questions our leadership team had to answer.

Once we had our LEAN squad together, we had to figure out how we were going to make LEAN a part of our everyday lives as well. We needed to singapore consumer email list drive home the message of continuous improvement. While we had previously had small daily stand-ups and weekly level 10 meetings for our various teams, we had not set a standing meeting that all company members had to attend every day. Would it really be possible to commit to a daily stand-up meeting in each of our offices around the world? Can we afford to waste time? The answer was, absolutely! In fact, we couldn’t afford NOT to comply, especially if we wanted to have a true LEAN transformation. We saw this as an investment in our team and we hope they would see it that way as well.


In particular, I was specifically concerned about our developers. They tend to be very smart, fact-based, black-and-white thinking, and, honestly, not very sensible.
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