What are voice searches?
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Attention to all brands, because from now on more than 50% of Internet searches will come from voice commands, specifically called voice search , either through smartphones or through new virtual assistants such as Siri, Cortana, Amazon Echo , Google Assistant among others that allow us to search by voice.
Voice searches are here to stay. This trend is already revolutionizing the world of Digital Marketing , as it brings with it the need to apply new techniques focused on search engine positioning beyond traditional SEO. It is no longer possible to focus all attention on text searches, but it is also necessary to correspond to users who use voice for their queries. Voice search is still in a transition period, however, forecasts indicate that it will not take long to establish itself as a search method. In fact, it is increasingly popular among people of different generations, although it prevails among young people.
Page Contents
1. What is voice search?
2. What does a Google Voice Search entail?
3. How does Google voice search work?
4. Voice search and web positioning
5. Voice Search Technologies
6. Development of voice search
7. Changes in Digital Marketing due to voice searches
8. How to prepare for the voice search revolution
9. Characteristics of voice searches
10. Optimizing for voice search
11. How to do a voice search on Google
12. What is AEO and voice assistant?
13. What types of businesses can benefit from voice search?
14. What can we expect from voice searches in the future?
15. Who are the ones who use voice search the most?
1. What is voice search?
Voice search is a feature offered by search engines that allows users to use their voice to make any query instead of typing it . This feature collects spoken words through voice recognition technology, interprets their meaning and returns the result to the search engine.
A voice search combines two major technologies , known as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Text-to-Speech (TTS), to recognize and process a user's voice command. Once recognized and analyzed, the voice command enters a huge database where the query finds the most relevant answer, just as we would if we searched directly through the keyboard on Google. Finally, the device converts the data back into voice and sends it to the user.
Voice search is not a new technology. We have seen it with Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Echo and Microsoft’s Cortana. It was in 2014 when Google introduced “voice search”, but it was not until 2017 that 13% of all households in the United States had a smart speaker. However, this number is expected to increase to 55% by 2022 worldwide. In Spain, although the numbers are not yet that high, it is true that growth is quite rapid.
New call to action
2. What does a Google Voice Search entail?
From now on, we should start learning about the voice search revolution , just as we did a few years ago with text, by creating quality content that provides value to users. Companies should start incorporating this new channel into their search engine optimization strategies right now, because voice searches on Google go hand in hand with web positioning and in fact we can tell you that they are already late, because there are many companies that have already decided to opt for this strategy of creating quality content, responding to voice searches that users are doing every day.
3. How does Google voice search work?
There are two key elements that are intrinsic to enabling voice search and that must be understood in order to begin to interpret the changes that the use of voice will produce.
Intonation: Voice search tools can determine the intent behind the query.
Semantics: The number of words a user uses when performing voice searches is usually considerably greater than when typing. This is because the query is performed in a more natural way (without eliminating prepositions, adjectives, conjunctions, etc.).
4. Voice search and web positioning
Below you will see what makes voice search integrate hand in hand with SEO positioning.
You may have noticed a few years ago that many trends in digital marketing slowly began to make their way into society until suddenly, for some reason, it took off and entered our lives to stay. Do you rem cambodia telegram phone number list ember those years when people talked about Facebook as a marketing platform? Many said it wouldn't go very far, that we would even get tired of it. The truth is that for some time now, Facebook has become a leading commercial and advertising management space for many companies, whether large or small; just like many other social networks such as Instagram, Linkedin, among others.
Debido a la tendencia, al alza en la búsqueda por voz, ésta se está convirtiendo en una herramienta de marketing digital integral. De hecho, en el año 2017, el 41% de los adultos utilizaron la búsqueda por voz y esta cifra ha seguido aumentando hasta hoy. No es sorprendente que la búsqueda por voz sea la próxima gran novedad. Desde la perspectiva de un usuario, es mucho más fácil realizar la búsqueda por voz para móvil, que escribir la búsqueda en un ordenador, una Tablet, o un móvil. Podemos buscar de manera online, mientras conducimos, cocinamos, estamos viendo la tele o estamos realizando tareas domésticas. Incluso podemos formular una pregunta de manera rápida o pronunciar un comando, como programar una reunión o anotar una tarea, y todo sin llegar a utilizar nuestras manos.
5. Tecnologías de Búsquedas por voz
Las tecnologías de búsqueda de voz más avanzadas, como Google Home y Amazon Echo, se han convertido en el centro de atención. Ahora, la gente ya no tendrá que usar sus móviles para hacer una búsqueda. Simplemente ordenando un comando y ya todo estará listo: obtendremos la respuesta en cuestión de tan solo milésimas de segundos. La facilidad de uso de estas tecnologías hacen que sean muy populares y serán aún más en los próximos años.
6. Desarrollo de la búsqueda por voz
La búsqueda por voz ha recorrido un largo camino desde su lanzamiento en 2002. El año pasado 36 millones de estadounidenses utilizaron la búsqueda por voz al menos una vez al mes, lo que representa un aumento del uso de un 129%. Además, el 72% de los consumidores que poseen altavoces activados por voz afirman que utilizan estos dispositivos como parte de sus rutinas diarias. A medida que los algoritmos detrás de NLP mejoran, también lo hacen las capacidades de búsqueda de voz.
Además de identificar patrones de habla humana, las PNL – Natural Language Processing, pueden extraer frases clave, lugares, marcas, personas y eventos, y ponerlos en valores contextuales en los principales motores de búsqueda y aplicaciones móviles. Con el aprendizaje contextual, también podemos solicitar información adicional para ampliar nuestra pregunta original.
La búsqueda por voz nos permite hacer las cosas mucho más rápidas, facilita nuestras rutinas y nos permite acceder rápidamente a la información y obtener respuestas a nuestras preguntas. De hecho, según el buscador de Google, el 41% de las personas que poseen un altavoz activado por voz dicen que usarlo es como hablar con un amigo o cualquier otra persona.
7. Cambios en Marketing Digital debido a las búsquedas por voz