Have you ever bought something online and when you finished the purchase process, you said "wow, how did I end up swiping my VISA?"
You have probably fallen for neuromarketing techniques without even realizing it.
Online shopping with neuromarketing techniques
That the customer ends up buying without even realizing it
It's normal, we all fall sometimes. And that's the magic.
Stay and we'll tell you how to do that with your online business.
What is neuromarketing?
Exactly, and according to economipedia , neuromarketing is "a discipline that a spain phone number list nalyzes brain processes based on neuroscience, to understand people's motivations when making decisions and use that information to promote the purchase of a product."
Well, we have been telling you for some time in several articles how important it is to know your customers in order to focus our communication on them.
Well, this article is already based on that.
There are several techniques to get into people's minds and discover their neuronal processes and how they make decisions.
One of them is eye tracking , which tracks where the user's eye focuses when viewing, for example, a web page.
eye tracking neuromarketing
The eye's path is tracked
This way, you can later apply some improvement to that website in the areas where users pay most attention. Or implement CTAs in those places.
There are also other techniques such as measuring heart rate, measuring galvanic responses (skin responses) or analysing facial expressions.
Benefits of incorporating neuromarketing into the digital strategy
We are not as rational as we think when we make an online purchase.
Our brain has mechanisms that are already automated and act unconsciously . Normally, these actions are defined by previous experience and come from memory.
Decisions that users make unconsciously are far superior to decisions that are made rationally and thoughtfully.
Therefore, it will be important to apply neuromarketing knowledge to your digital marketing strategies by appealing to the emotional part .
So, thanks to the knowledge of neuromarketing and its techniques, we will be able to:
Discovering new perspectives in market research
Analyze more precisely, since with neuromarketing techniques we will know more specifically how the user thinks
Identify patterns of behavior of potential customers
Improving customer experience
Based on this, we can act on the emotional experience , the unconscious of the client, and their memory.
We can understand the mental process thanks to neuromarketing
We can know the mental process of a user thanks to neuromarketing
Tips for applying neuromarketing in digital strategy
Our brain has some little “mistakes” when it reacts to something, we can call them that, but they are actually cognitive biases .
We can take advantage of these biases and apply them to develop our digital marketing strategy to appeal to the consumer's irrational purchasing .
Decoy effect
It consists of there being three options to choose from (a product, or a service plan, etc.) and one of the 3 is the one that will be most prepared for you not to choose it .
Let's see, to recap, if you see that one of the 3 options is worse, that it has worse features or that it is much more expensive, it will make the other two more attractive to the user than if the "bad" option did not exist.
Drag effect
This means that people tend to do what other people do , it influences us a lot.
It's like "we are carried away by the wave of people."
A clear example, ahem, is that of confinement: everyone buys toilet paper, well, I do too, in case it runs out.
This is where embedded testimonials work very well, so that customers can see what “other people” think.
Another example is the TikTok challenges, one person starts a challenge, and everyone else starts doing it too. We could apply it, if our buyer persona allows us, with versions of TikTok challenges related to our online business.
challenges de tik tok
You can go with the flow and create or continue challenges tailored to your online business.
Activate mirror neurons
These neurons are those of empathy.
What we mean by this is that if advertising, whether online or offline, represents the user and they identify with it, it will have a greater impact on them.
Exposure effect
If there is something that we see repeatedly, that we are used to seeing very often, we normally prefer it over something else that we don't.
So what we're going to do is use repetition, and that in digital marketing is called retargeting .
If you tell me that this has never happened to you, I don't believe you: you're searching for something on the internet, something that interests you or that you're willing to buy. You say "well, another time." But when you're browsing social networks for leisure, you keep seeing ads for what you've been searching for.
Has that happened to you? Well, that's retargeting, and since you're already familiar with it because it's being repeated to you, you'll end up developing a preference for that option and not for its competition.