How products are classified in marketing: 10 types

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How products are classified in marketing: 10 types

Post by jrineakte.r.01 »

Learning how products are classified in marketing is critical to presenting your goods and services in an appealing way to the consumer — especially when 95% of new products launched by established companies fail every year.

To get you off to a good start, we have prepared this practical and simple article. Here you will find how products are classified in consumer and business marketing .

When you ask yourself how products are classified in marketing , it is necessary to take into account the criteria that guide this answer.

If we consider who will buy the goods vietnam email list or services , we can classify them into two types: products for consumers and products for businesses. Let's look in detail at what each means.

Consumer Products
Consumer products are those intended for people. They can be items for individual, collective or family use - the important thing is that the person who will enjoy the good or service is an individual and not a company.

And how are consumer products classified? They fall into four types: convenience products, comparison products, specialty products, and non-sought products.

1. Convenience products
Convenience products are usually cheap and easy to find. They are items that people buy frequently, often without effort or planning. Available in any traditional retail outlet, they are little subject to comparison with other brands.

How are products classified in a supermarket according to convenience? Basic consumer products, impulse products and emergency products. For example:


Want to understand how consumer products are categorized based on convenience and other motivators? Read: Maslow's 5 Needs of the Modern Customer .

2. Comparison products
Comparison products are products that people buy less frequently. It is not surprising that people spend more time and effort to obtain information before making a comparison purchase.

Compared to convenience products, comparison products tend to be more expensive . Therefore, the purchase usually only occurs after careful consideration of price, quality, features, style and safety.

In fact, a study by Think With Google revealed that 53% of shoppers always conduct online research before purchasing to ensure they are making the best possible decision.

Do you want to understand how products are classified in marketing and how to stand out in the market? Read: 5 forces that affect a company's competitive advantage .

3. Specialty products
Specialty products are high-cost goods and services associated with a distinctive brand identity. By creating a unique and memorable customer experience , brands seek to convince the buyer that their products are superior to those of the competition — and therefore worth investing more money in.

Learning how products are classified in marketing according to their specialty is identifying how creative, original and consistent the brand's branding is.

Examples of specialty products


advanced technological devices.

Once you know how specialty consumer products are classified, get to work on your success. Read: Keys to building your company's corporate identity .

4. Unwanted products
Unsought products are those that the consumer is not aware of or is aware of but does not normally think about buying . Based on the way products are classified in marketing, this is a situation that requires more aggressive promotional strategies, so that people not only get to know that the good or service exists, but also want to buy it.

Products for companies
Business products are those intended for organizations or industries. They are purchased to produce other goods or services, or to subsidize the operation of a business.

To understand how products are classified in marketing when customers are B2B , it is necessary to look at what point in the production cycle the item will be incorporated.
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