For me, on many occasions people associate email marketing as a simple mass email sending, but it is not as easy as they see it, since email marketing focuses largely on PLANNED and RELATED mass email sending, this means that, if there is no process between them or a relationship, it is very difficult to achieve a complete email strategy.
Now to clarify this, can I really generate sales through this strategy?
It depends on the quality of the email lists you have, in short, if the leads collected are not part of our developed segments or we have not studied enough about uses of the italy phone number list the tastes or behaviors of a new collected segment, it is time to carefully analyze and develop a BUYER PERSONA or EMPATHY MAP .
Generating sales is the holy grail for any strategist, so it is necessary to clearly define the basic steps that can be applied to any project.
Steps to boost sales through email marketing
The steps allow you to establish the phases necessary to achieve the desired goals. Of course, like all plans, adjustments are extremely normal, especially when it comes to developing a sales funnel within the email channel.

What is a sales funnel?
The funnel or conversion funnel is about the different steps that a user has to take to reach an objective within our website, whether it is to acquire a product, register or subscribe (or convert leads).