Understand what the sales pitch is and the importance of this strategy for salespeople

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Understand what the sales pitch is and the importance of this strategy for salespeople

Post by jrineakte.r.01 »

The sales pitch is a brief and assertive commercial speech that aims to present an idea or business in up to two sentences. It is usually used in the first contact with the client and should encourage the listener to want to know more about the subject.

Therefore, a well-crafted sales pitch must arouse the curiosity of the client or investor in a short space of time. That is why it is also called an “elevator pitch.”

In fact, the sales pitch came from the English term “elevator pitch”, which in Spanish is “elevator speech” , and was created in Silicon Valley as a strategy to efficiently cocos islands keelings email address
present ideas to potential investors.

So, imagine you meet a potential client in an elevator and you only have the time of the ride to present your idea. What would you say? That's what a pitch is all about.

What makes a good sales pitch?
The sales pitch should make the potential client or investor interested in what you have to offer, whether it is a product, service or idea. To do this, it must be easy to understand, present solutions and capture the potential client's attention.

Additionally, a good sales pitch should also encourage the potential customer to move through your sales funnel :

In a first contact, a sales pitch done in the right way can make the potential client interested in your idea and want to evolve the conversation to obtain more information.

At the time of negotiation, making an assertive pitch can guarantee that your client finally signs the contract.

In other words, your sales pitch should keep your prospect engaged in the process and encourage them to move forward in their buying journey .

How to prepare a sales pitch?
If you don't know how to set up a sales pitch, you can follow these steps to create an objective and attractive speech:


Make adjustments to your tone of voice based on the time you have.

Know and study your listener
To make an effective sales pitch, it is essential to know your target audience. So, study the audience and understand what their problems and tastes are. This will help you create a more assertive speech.

Determine what your goal is
You must be clear about the objective you hope to achieve through this pitch, whether it is to continue a negotiation, close a sale or gain an investor.

Don't use technical terms and words that are difficult to understand.
Don't be long-winded. This will create a gap between you and the listener, and will waste your time. Value objectivity and be succinct in your speech, without using technical terms that your listener may not know.

Present a value proposition
You know your audience and you know what their demands are, so the pitch must have a value proposition that fits their needs. Remember to offer real benefits to your customers, not just describe what you and the company do well.

Ask a question and be prepared for objections
Question your listener intelligently to make them think from a point of view they may not have considered before. On the other hand, also be prepared for objections and be aware of some possible scenarios that will need to be addressed.
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