It is therefore useless to drown your website with information. Be clear, precise, effective. The Internet user is impatient . According to a study by the Aberdeen group, a second of delay in loading your pages can cause a 7% drop in conversion. Be quick! b. Simplify access to information Impatient, struggling to make choices, unable to concentrate. the picture of our behavior on the web is not the most appealing. These realities force companies to undertake a sometimes complicated exercise: simplifying access to information as much as possible.
First, let's consider the taiwan phone number resource F-reading model we discussed earlier. This implies that your first two paragraphs should contain the most important information , or at least a title or keywords that clearly convey what your web page is going to be about. Clarity of information is particularly important for BtoB players, whose sites may contain several key indications that should not be missed. : Your offer Your distinctive value Your working methods It is very useful to place, at the bottom of the page and in other strategic places such as at the top of the home page, a tagline that serves as your value proposition.
This allows you to express in a few words who you are, what you do, who you do it for and why you do it. Next, don't overload your page , in every sense of the word. First of all, don't put too many links in the navigation menus. As mentioned, this doesn't help the user make choices and therefore take actions on your site. What can work for e-commerce sites like Amazon can quickly lose a prospect on a BtoB site.
The Internet user must have easy access to the following information
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- Joined: Thu Dec 05, 2024 8:28 am