You can see the table below for navigation purpose

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You can see the table below for navigation purpose

Post by jobaidur2228 »

These findings are not surprising. The great thing is that none of this was told to the machine learning model in advance. It inferred from the data. In addition, it inferred the relationship between different features. Notice that the dots are spread out across the x-axis rather than overlapping. This is because the SERP features have an impact on the model based on what other features are present in the SERP. So, just because there is high competition on AdWords, the model won’t necessarily conclude that the keyword is transactional.

Purpose of informing
At the other end of the spectrum, you can see the top twenty features that determine whether the purpose is informational or not.

informational intent chart
Here you see that the high competition in AdWords means that it is less likely to be informational. You also see that features like video carousels , related questions , and featured snippets are common for informational SERPs.

On the other hand, the word “best” typically indicates a commercial rather than an informational intent. The same goes for the review SERP feature and local results ( pagemapslocal ).

Another interesting tidbit is that when Facebook is part of the SERP germany mobile phone numbers database it is usually not for informational purposes. Instead, it is for navigational purposes.

Navigation purpose

navigational intent chart
Obviously, sitelinks are usually related to navigational intent. You’ll also find that knowledge panels are typically available for navigational keywords. But they’re also often available for informational keywords.

LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook often appear in navigational SERPs. Local results and about results also correlate with navigational intent. Note that local results also correlate with commercial intent, depending on the context.


In AdWords, there will generally not be high competition for the navigation intent in featured snippets or thumbnails .

But remember, there’s always an exception to every rule. And remember, you can easily have a navigational keyword that has attributes that indicate other intents. The charts and examples provide general indications for each type of intent.

You’ll also notice that unlike other approaches to search intent, features in the AccuRanker model can be interconnected and make one type of search intent less likely. Building such a model is possible by using AccuRanker’s large amount of data in combination with advanced machine learning techniques.

Commercial purpose
For commercial purposes, you will mostly see the items we have explained before.

commercial intent chart
More specifically, local results (maps_local) are often associated with commercial intent. The same can be said for words like “top” and “best” and SERP features like FAQs and reviews .

On the other hand, you won’t usually see words like “buy” or “sale.” Or domain names like Amazon, Facebook, or Wikipedia.

This article gave you an insight into the new AccuRanker (AI-based) search intent feature. It introduced the components of how the model works and what types of features impact different types of search intent, both positively and negatively.

The new search intent feature is not told or taught any rules. Instead, the model discovers its own rules by pattern matching with a large number of examples. Simply put, the new search intent model learns from data. Having precise search intent tags allows you to group and target keywords by intent. This is essential when creating content.
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