Ideal heating temperature. How many degrees should my house be at?
Neither hot nor cold. That middle ground is a mystery if we put it up for debate. Let's let the authorities on the subject speak and take note. What temperature should your home be at?
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What is the optimal temperature for the home?
The Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) is the public institution that deals, among many other things, with the dissemination of information on energy efficiency. If you ask them what temperature your house should be at, the answer is:
The ideal heating temperature at home ranges between 20-21ºC during the day and 15-17ºC at night .
Use these degrees as a reference and try not to debate what to set on the thermostat . If someone is cold, they can dress more warmly (it's better to put on a sweater than waste energy and money). If someone is hot, they can dress less warmly.
One of the frequent recommendations of the IDAE is to set the thermostat at 20-21ºC, but only when there is someone at home. Both at night and when the house is empty, it is advisable to lower the temperature.
Only if the room is very cold or poorly insulated should the heating be turned on at night. And before deciding this, it is imperative to check the bedding to make sure it is warm, lower the blinds and draw the curtains, these are some of the factors that will help us combat the cold and determine whether it is necessary to raise the thermostat, taking into account the energy savings that these small gestures represent.
We are not all equal when it comes to thermal sensation
When it comes to the feeling of heat, we are not all the same. There are those who feel the cold, and we recommend that they wrap up more, but without touching the thermostat, and those who are hot, and who need to just take off their warm clothes and drink more water.
And then there are babies . What is the ideal temperature for them?
Pediatricians recommend that the temperature at home for philippines whatsapp number a baby should range between 22º-24ºC during the day and 18º-20ºC at night.
Regarding air conditioning, specialists advise that children should not be in direct contact with the air stream .
Other factors influence the sensation of heat. In general, and with numerous exceptions, people with a greater amount of body fat feel less cold.
"Both at night and when the house is empty, its temperature should drop to around 15º-17ºC."
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Temperature isn't everything, what is the ideal humidity?
As you may already know, one thing is the temperature in degrees Celsius, an objective measurement that your thermostat will strictly apply. And another thing is the thermal sensation . How is it possible that, wearing the same clothes, sometimes you feel cold at 19ºC and other times you feel hot at that same temperature?
Beyond personal factors such as weight or age (children and the elderly usually regulate their body temperature), the key is in the percentage of relative humidity. To establish a limit, above 50% humidity in a home it is common for the sensation of heat to increase. And the opposite: below this figure the sensation of cold increases. Therefore, it is not only about setting an optimal temperature on the heating, but also achieving the ideal humidity in your home.
The IDAE recommends a relative humidity of 40%-50% in your home.
In addition, the level of humidity affects our health. Below 20%, excessive dryness contributes to respiratory infections. Above 80%, the environment becomes an ideal breeding ground for mites and various types of fungi.
Using humidifiers you can increase the humidity in your home, or reduce the humidity using dehumidifiers .
"The ideal humidity in a home is 50%. Below 20% and above 80% your health can suffer."
And in public buildings and businesses?
The new Royal Decree Law approved limits the minimum and maximum temperatures of all public and administrative buildings, shopping centres, cultural centres and leisure centres, following the plan of energy saving measures for the public sector. Thus decreeing that the maximum temperature of the heating does not exceed 19 degrees Celsius and the temperature of the air conditioning does not fall below 27 degrees Celsius.
For humidity, it is stipulated that it should be between 30% and 70%, something that is fulfilled most of the time, although it is very relative.