To avoid infections, it is best to always make sure that you download plugins and themes from reliable sources. If you run a WordPress , Joomla or PrestaShop site , it is a good singapore phone number list idea to rely on the rich official directories.
If you are unsure about the origin of a plugin or theme, it is best not to install it. You may come across sites that offer free versions of plugins and themes, which often act as bait to push users to install an alternative version that includes malware.
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Final considerations
Trojans are a sneaky threat, masquerading as seemingly legitimate software. This malware therefore requires constant attention and a proactive approach to cybersecurity.
The most appropriate strategy, therefore, is to prevent their attack (as well as pay close attention to your actions). It is essential to install and use effective antivirus and update your operating system periodically and whenever required. Furthermore, you must be careful not to download executable files from unreliable sources, limiting yourself to using software and apps available on official channels.
WordPress Websites and More: Tips to Avoid Malware
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