Bb saas lead generation: numbers vs. Qualityauthor-imgby shahid shahmiribb telemarketing sms phone number data saas lead generation: numbers vs. Qualityquality checklead generation in the bb saas industry is crucial to sustaining the cut-edge competition. Glancing the data on the current state of the lead generation process it is found that % of marketers mentioned that half of their budget is allocated to the lead generation process. % of the bb business agreed upon leveraging strategic landing pages for lead generation.

But even though lead generation is an integral part of the saas business's marketing effort, yet the crowd in the bb universe is finding it increasingly challenging. % of marketers have recognized lead and traffic generation as their top challenge. And going more in-depth to the stats, it is seen that % of marketers bought out that lead generation efforts are only slightly or somewhat practical.But adapting to the changing bb landscape and adhering to sectile strategies, marketers remain hopeful.