Onboarding Design Guidelines

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Onboarding Design Guidelines

Post by rakibhasan02 »

Before you start choosing the right onboarding tools and adapting them to a specific product, you need to develop a strategy. It is extremely important to define the goals that need to be achieved. To think through the strategy in detail, it is worth familiarizing yourself with useful recommendations that have repeatedly proven their effectiveness in practice.

Define the target audience by formulating a portrait of a potential client . This makes it possible to collect useful information: age, needs, hobbies, etc.
Develop a Customer Journey Map (CJM) . This tool allows you to targeted industry database understand the nuances and difficulties that consumers face when searching for a suitable product. You can use websites and applications to study the behavior of potential customers. When creating a CJM, you need to mention all possible ways of communicating with users.
Divide the target audience into categories . First, you need to analyze the characteristics of the customers who use the product (in particular, gender, goals, behavior patterns in the service, etc.). Next, based on the results obtained, you need to divide the users into several groups. And then formulate tasks for individual segments and develop an effective onboarding system for each category.
Choose the right tools . It is important to choose them in such a way that they are relevant to each user group. We must not forget that customers use the product to solve their problem. Therefore, it is necessary to help them by providing the most relevant and useful tips. At the same time, it is worth avoiding obvious instructions, which often cause a negative reaction from users.
Not only implement the tools, but also analyze the results . It is useful to regularly monitor the level of churn and retention of the audience, as well as track customer loyalty indexes (NPS) and lifetime value of consumers (LTV). This allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of onboarding and identify the most effective methods.


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If you follow the suggested recommendations, it is easier to gain the trust of the target audience and, thus, gain additional competitive advantages. In order to strengthen the company's position in the market in the shortest possible time, it is necessary to:

track trends in digital marketing;
analyze the behavior of competitors;
increase the level of interaction with customers.
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