Measures aimed at visible users, such as search ads, can be evaluated by the number of conversions and CPA (cost per acquisition), but advertising measures aimed at potential users often end up being discontinued because the results are difficult to see, such as changes in awareness and product recall.
This time, we will introduce a method for analyzing indirect effects using the measurement tool "Ad Ebis" as a way to more accurately evaluate the "contribution to conversion" in advertising measures aimed at potential users . Since we use "Ad Ebis", it can be implemented regardless of the medium. Please feel free to use it as a reference. Reference: Ad Ebis (official website)
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What is an indirect effect?
Reasons for wanting to measure indirect effects and perspectives for evaluation
Two perspectives used to evaluate indirect effects
Reasons for adopting Ad Ebis
How to measure indirect effects using Ad Ebis
1. Weight the evaluation with emphasis on the first contact
2. Cross-device functionality
How to check the results
What is an indirect effect?
A user may not be exposed to just one ad before converting. For example, after coming into contact with an ad on social media, they may search online and convert through a search ad. In this case, the conversion through the search ad is called the "direct effect," and the SNS ad that assisted it is called the "indirect effect. "
Reference: What is indirect effectiveness measurement? (Ad Ebis official website)
Reasons for wanting to measure indirect effects and perspectives for evaluation
This time, while supporting a business company that provides optical fiber line services, we were selecting where to deliver advertisements to accompany the launch of a new product. Because it was a new product with low awareness, we planned to deliver advertisements aimed at potential users, such as "Google Find Ads", in addition to search ads.

What are Google Discovery Ads? Explaining their features and operational points
Discovery ads are ads that can be delivered within the services provided by Google, but since they are a relatively new type of campaign, many advertising professionals are unfamiliar with their features and how to use them.
Generally, discovery ads are less efficient than search ads in terms of acquisition efficiency, so they are often evaluated using other indicators such as the number of clicks. However, this time, in order to determine whether discovery ads should be continued, it was necessary to evaluate their contribution to conversions (indirect effect) .