Introduction to the history of the Canvas brand
Sometimes you don't even realize that a certain project at work is going to be so important for your development as a professional and as a human being.
About 7 years ago, I was working as a content marketer for a tech company. Under the guidance of two very strong and experienced marketing professionals, one with a deep, expert-level understanding of brand identity, I wrote the company’s brand book. Also. Lots. of. Fun. And. Learning.
That exercise, and what I learned about Brand Storytelling from it, helped me build a foundation for creating Brand Stories that I have used many times since.
The brand stories I create not only help organizations grow, they give them more direction, inspire customers, and sometimes even magically bring founders and team members to tears.
I use the same basic psychology and framework to help individual growth-minded humans find their purpose and write what I call their “Growth Stories.” Here’s what people have said about it.
Growth Storytelling Brand
[Step-by-step course]
How to tell better stories and get better results. Find the right message and strategy and attract the right people to add value and grow your brand.
Start the Brand Storytelling course
Brand Story: At the heart of your approach to content
Brand Story at the heart of your content approach
Your brand story, along with the visual and other aspects of your brand identity, should be at the heart of how you approach your content and other marketing strategies and tactics.
In this article, you will learn how to create your own brand story, with a brand story template to make the job even more fun, easy and effective.
Who is this for?
This is for anyone who is responsible for the growth and storytelling of a company. Or for content creators who want to be a little more strategic and professional with how they present themselves and use storytelling to achieve their goals.
For any startup founder, for any solopreneur, for anyone working in marketing, whether as a CMO, content marketer or brand manager.
This is for you if you are thinking about creating a new or refreshed brand identity for your company. Or if you want to take your content marketing to the next strategic level.
At and Neo Alpha we believe telling your stories the right way helps you and others grow. Getting your brand story right is an important first strategic step. Here’s how to do it.
What you will learn in this article and resources
What is a brand story?
At its core, a brand story is the story of how you, as an entrepr cambodia business email list eneur, content creator, or company, got to be who you are today; what motivates you, what you can do for people, and how you intend to grow in the near future.
At the simplest and most essential level, it consists of three elements related to its past (I), present (II) and future (III) .
Through those same three elements, your story tells of the need (I) that you identified and that drove you to do what you do; the solution (II) that you landed on and the result (III) that it gave you or that it gives to other people (your clients) for using that solution.
The goal of brainstorming and writing your brand story
The goal of brainstorming and writing your brand story is threefold:
It helps you understand yourself
It helps you understand yourself better because brainstorming about who you are as an entrepreneur, a content creator, or a business makes you think deeply about some pretty difficult questions. If your brand is connected to a business of two or more people, it will also help everyone get on the same page, gather around that page, and write their story.
It helps you focus
It helps you and/or the people you work with stay on track – it gives you focus to write your story, even if it's just your purpose or mission statement, and your vision.
It helps you tell the stories that help you grow.
It helps you tell other people, who could be potential partners or potential clients, who you are and what you stand for. This helps you grow much more easily in terms of sales and revenue if you're a business, and in terms of reach and following if you're a content creator. It can also, obviously, help you with both.