Although using a plugin is a practical solution, you may encounter whatsapp numbers database undesirable results in some cases. To give a small example of undesirable situations, for example: You wanted to change the page to and with the help of the plugin you updated all URLs with /old-link/ to /new-link/ on the pages .
The problem you will experience here will come to light when you use your website's /old-link/ address as a parent slug ( The address has now changed to and your links with the parent slug will no longer work. To prevent this, we will prepare a function that will only change the URLs in case of a one-to-one match.

Let's start with the practical method first. Bulk Change Links in WordPress Pages Using a Plugin Changing the internal links on your WordPress site one by one is a laborious and unwise method. Instead, you can use the Go live Update Urls plugin, which was developed for this purpose.
But are you wondering how to use it? Let's explain how to use this popular WordPress plugin. Since page data is kept in the database on WordPress sites, your links within the page are also kept in the database. With this powerful plugin, you can specify which table of your database you will make changes to.
We can list the installation and usage stages as follows; Step 1: Installation After logging into the WordPress admin panel, we click on the add new option on the left panel, then type Go Live Update Urls in the search bar and download and activate the plugin developed by OnPoint Plugins .