Control society in a specific direction. In terms of indonesia number for whatsapp hope, one thing I'm very excited about is being able to provide high-quality and free education everywhere. In some remote villages, really in the middle of nowhere. Education is very important to me. It's changed my life. I can only imagine that today we have so many tools available to us, if we had electricity and the internet, a lot of these tools would be available. But still, most people are in a classroom with one teacher and five students, and everyone learns the same thing.

Imagine if education could be customized to your way of thinking, your cultural norms, and your specific interests, it would greatly expand the level of knowledge and creativity. If we can really master this and learn how to learn at a very young age, I think that's extremely powerful and could advance human knowledge and therefore civilization as a whole. Audience:On the choice of data, obviously there's a question about Google taking all the posts that were posted and telling people to put glue on pizza so it sticks together. That's obviously a problem that needs to be addressed.