co-construction workshops

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co-construction workshops

Post by muktamoniya81 »

We already told you about it some time ago, our desire is to build the SPREAD of tomorrow as close as possible to the needs of our customers . Survey, interviews, new organization of the roadmap... we have implemented actions so that our marketing platform continues to evolve in the right direction: yours.

With this in mind, Vincent first presented to the participants the details of this product approach and the projects to come between now and the end of the year (a preview, please!).

Then, to transform these words into action from the beginning of the afternoon, we tested a format that we had never offered before during these days: collaborative "co-construction" workshops, led by Kitty, Jade, Vincent and Melody.

We thus selected two key themes from our roadmap . Each participant had to uae cell phone number choose the one that spoke to them the most. Then, divided into several small groups and armed with balloons, post-its and other timers, we asked them to share with us their vision of these features . What they were missing. What seemed vital to them. What they used on a daily basis. An approach that is fundamental for us, and which clearly appealed to everyone given the feedback we received!

At the same time, as the proverb dear to the hearts of octopuses says: "Alone, we go faster, together, we go further" .

More surprises to come

Finally, you know that Mehdi and I cannot resist the pleasure of offering you more and more interesting content on the blog and social networks.
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