Email Marketing: 5 steps to create an effective email

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Email Marketing: 5 steps to create an effective email

Post by tonmoypramanik »

Digital marketing is full of tools, each more relevant than the last. Emailing has been lost in the crowd and is now far too often neglected.

However, emailing turns out to be the most effective marketing action to win customers.

The figures speak for themselves: according to a report published by Experian Marketing on the challenges of Email Marketing, we see that Emailing remains the communication tool most used by companies (95.3%), ahead of websites (91%) and social networks (73.4%).

How to create a good emailing - the figures to know
The performance of Emailing in France is very interesting: the average opening rate of an Emailing is 41% and the click rate is 5.67%. In other words, if you make an Emailing and send it to 10,000 contacts, on average, 4,100 of them will open it and more than 567 will click on one of the proposed links.

However, to make an effective Emailing and take advantage of all this potential, it is necessary to kenya email list respect certain good practices that we will see together.

Is your email performance below these standards? This checklist will help you:
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Why are we talking about Email Marketing?
The answer is simple: to win customers with Emailing, it is essential to build a complete Emailing strategy, just like marketing.

The definition of Email Marketing
The definition of Email Marketing is simple: Email Marketing is the strategy which consists of creating Emailings adapted to the expectations and behaviors of your target.

To make an effective Emailing, it is important to know your target , your personas .

The idea is to send the right message at the right time.

To do this, it is essential to understand the problems of your target and the questions they ask. Which naturally brings us to the first step in creating an effective email.

creating an email is sending the right message to the right person at the right time
To make an effective Emailing, you need to know how to send the right message to the right person at the right time thanks to the work of Persona
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