What is a Twitter chat and what are its main advantages?

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What is a Twitter chat and what are its main advantages?

Post by rokassha.k.h@11 »

Defining what a Twitter chat is may seem like a simple task at first, but behind this term lies a very powerful communication tool.

Although this type of conversation on Twitter is already used by companies and professionals within their digital marketing strategies (because it is capable of bringing together a series of advantages that I will reveal to you throughout this article).

To start, what is a Twitter chat?
If you are one of those who do not know what a Twitter bolivia mobile phone numbers database chat or tweetchat is, I will tell you that, as I have already mentioned before, the concept of Twitter chat is simple and so, we could say, briefly, that they are chat sessions on Twitter on a predetermined day and time and in which they talk about either a specific topic or in a “happy hour” (conversation on a free topic).

Simple, right? But… Twitter chats go further, because they can be guided by a guest professional who speaks and develops the predetermined topic or they can be open conversations in which everyone expresses their opinions.

Mind you, I don't mean to say that when there is a guest in the Twitter chat the rest of the participants don't express their opinions.

Nothing could be further from the truth, Twitter chats are above all conversations that use Twitter as a means of communication, it is just that we could say that when there is a guest, he or she becomes the main axis of the conversation.

The guest is someone from whom to learn and to whom to direct doubts and questions that, as a relevant professional, he will be able to answer and share with the rest of the participants.

Okay, so now we know the main actors in this “movie” called Twitter chats, but what about the plot of the conversation?

So that this conversation is perfectly structured we have two very important points in the script:

The Hashtag:
Through it, all participants and the speaker will be able to follow everything that is said in each of the tweets that are produced.

Typically, each company or professional determines a single hashtag that identifies these social conversations that take place in Twitter chats.

Creating a hashtag is as simple as putting the hash symbol # in front of the name you want to give to your Twitter chat (#holasemrush, #SoMeChatES, #SEMrushchat, #bizheroes, #BPYCNetwork, #smslantchat…).
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