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The fact that AI is becoming so professionalized

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 6:12 am
by tasnimsanika69
Chatbots equipped with generative artificial intelligence (AI) are on the crest of the wave, and although they are still quite error-prone, their scatterbrainedness and randomness are irresistible to a good number of users. Many people love the chaos lurking in the bowels of ChatGPT and company, but the chaotic fun that generative AI boasts today will be a one-hit wonder and within a year it will probably be gone.

Within a year, generative AI will be far more accurate and professional, but it could also be disturbingly more human-like. After all, this technology, which has only just emerged from its shell, improves as the intensity of its training sessions increases.

And through training (and analyzing many petabytes of information), ChatGPT and company are able to summarize documents, search for information, tell jokes and even show certain flashes of emotional intelligence.

However, theory is one thing and practice is quite another. It is true that generative AI (at least the current one) is capable of generating fairly decent texts, but a more detailed analysis of its words shows that there is no real conceptual understanding of the subject matter it is talking about (sometimes just for the sake of talking).

However, in the future, artificial intelligence could become astonishingly effective by relying on more structured training , more supervision by real humans, and much more precisely defined training data.

Towards a more precise (and more human) AI
In this way, by hanging on to the arm of the so-called hybrid or compositional AI, where generative techniques and a general structure of information come together, the technology that today is sometimes somewhat "clumsy" could become a specialist in specific subjects (and maintain, for example, conversations with the user about metaphysics without having outbursts like those that Bing has had in recent days ).

is both good and bad at the same time because its results will no longer be philippines number screening as creative as they are now , warns David Ferrucci, CEO and chief scientist at Elemental Cognition, in statements to Fast Company .

Furthermore, by becoming a more than perfect know-it-all, generative AI could be detached from a potentially very useful function: that of a social companion for humans . Perhaps humans do not want artificial intelligence so much to gather information as to maintain conversations (permeated with emotional intelligence) with it (in the purest style of what happens in Her ).

Chatbots, which are now available to everyone on the Internet, could be the basis for creating artificial intelligence systems similar to those in the famous film starring Joaquin Phoenix.

In the future, we will probably have a whole plethora of chatbots at our side, and each of them could possess an absolutely unique amalgam of attributes . The key will then be to choose each one of the