It is estimated that around 100 billion WhatsApp messages are sent every day in the world , 66,000 photos are uploaded per minute on one social network alone and 60% of emails are not opened. If we focus on Spain, more than 30 billion photographs are stored on mobile phones. All of this consumes energy, which if not renewable, emits tons of CO2. It is called digital waste and is the great invisible waste of our planet.
In order to raise awareness among the population about this invisible waste and its impact on the environment and, at the same time, make getting rid of digital waste a habit, ECODES (Ecology and Development Foundation) with the support of the Accenture Foundation has launched Digital CO2ach, an APP designed and developed by Accenture Song , which invites the population to eliminate their digital waste.
In the words of Juan Silva, chief creative officer at Accenture Song in Spain, Portugal and Israel, “putting creativity and technology at the service of a project aimed at raising awareness among the population and improving our environment has been a gift for us.” The professional adds that “if we want to change the way citizens consume digital content, we have to reach them with a relevant initiative that reaches society. Digital CO2ach has arrived to make getting rid of digital waste a habit.”
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Digital waste: the great invisible trash of our planet
Citizens who download Digital CO2ach will be able to learn more about digital waste and clean up all the files they no longer need from their mobile phones , thereby achieving significant energy savings and, in some cases, also reducing their CO2 footprint . The app shows the data on digital waste removed collectively by all users, as well as the equivalent amount of energy saved.
Elena Alcaraz , head of design at Accenture Song, adds: “One of the challenges when designing the app was to consider, from the beginning and in both form and content, the problem of digital pollution. The app had to be exemplary in its use of colours, fonts and formats. We had to minimise its environmental impact, without altering its effect when it came to generating a new awareness and digital habits.”
of all municipalities in the national territory, thanks to their ability to reach tunisia number screening citizens, is key to raising awareness of the issue among the population. Therefore, to publicize the application, a QR code will be incorporated into the garbage containers of the cities that adhere to the project, which will redirect to the information campaign on and the download of the APP. The first to join this initiative has been the town council of Torrelodones, in the Community of Madrid, as part of its commitment to sustainable development.
Accenture Song presents DigitalCO2ach
Digital CO2ach contributes to achieving four of the United Nations SDGs : SDG 12 (Responsible consumption and production), 7 (Affordable and clean energy), 13 (Climate action) and 17 (Partnerships to achieve the Goals). Its success will now depend on the involvement of local governments and citizens.
The Digital CO2ach campaign has a comprehensive media plan consisting of a spot, 8 radio spots, 17 outdoor graphics, press and a social media plan (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and influencer marketing.
The involvement of the town councils
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