Effective design principles are:

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Effective design principles are:

Post by arzina221 »

Defining the direction of the entire design process;
Distinctive and unique for a specific product, brand or service;
Concrete and specific enough to make (design) choices and decisions;
Inspiring in generating (new) ideas or solutions;
Not too obvious (who wouldn't want that?) and easy to remember;
Clear principles that give the team one clear and shared vision .
Establishing design principles
What should you consider when drawing up design principles? The following four steps provide direction:

poke to Joost about various topics, such as saudi arabia phone data his leadership skills, the story behind his company, innovations and various highs and lows. In this article I describe the marketing strategy of Sunweb, his most successful brand.

In 2012, Sunweb grew by no less than 50%, and this year too, a strong growth is visible. According to Joost, this success is due to the renewed marketing strategy. In the travel industry (a market with a lot of competition), the trick is to stand out and position a brand correctly.

Price vs. Brand Load
Last year, Sunweb started to distinguish itself more clearly from the competition. Every provider tries to differentiate itself on the basis of price and Sunweb also previously focused only on brand awareness and communicating the low price. That is why the brand values ​​have been more prominently communicated since last year. The price remains an important part of course, but relieving the worries of holidaymakers is now central.
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