For the moment, only WhatsApp, the company's other platform, continues to function normally in most of the world .
On Tuesday morning, March 5, users reported problems on Meta's kenya number screening main social networks, Facebook and Instagram. After this, it was confirmed that both platforms suffered a global crash that has affected millions of people.
According to the Down Detector website, the failure was recorded at 10:25 am (Peru time), where more than 50,000 reports of falls were counted on Instagram and another 10,000 on Facebook Messenger.
It should be noted that this is not the first time that both social networks have suffered a downtime, since in 2023 there were problems but they only lasted a few minutes. The opposite was the case in 2022, when Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp were inaccessible for several hours.
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Facebook is now working
At the time of writing this article, users reported that the social network Facebook is already operational in some accounts. At the moment, the exact time when Instagram will be 100% operational again is not known.