How to create a sitemap?

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How to create a sitemap?

Post by hoxesi8100@ »

The XML sitemap file is intended to facilitate the indexing of pages. This is especially important for complex websites with many pages. It should, if properly structured, contain information such as: the date of the last update of the page, the priority of a given page and the number of images. Correctly implemented, it allows for quick indexing of priority pages, especially those you have recently added.

The more complex the site or the presence of multiple languages ​​within it, the more attention must be paid to generating the sitemap, thus preventing search engine web crawlers from neglecting to scan new or recently updated pages.

The sitemap becomes equally important if we are talking azerbaijan telegram about a recently created site and that, at least initially, has a limited presence on other portals in the form of external links. Googlebot and other web crawlers in fact scan the web following the links between one page and another.

There are many tools available online, both free and paid, to help create XML sitemaps. Some SEO tools for the most popular CMS like Wordpress or Joomla have a built-in option to create such a file. If there are too many pages (think of an online magazine) it is essential to have sitemaps divided into multiple indexes (depending on the type of content) and that once a certain number of elements are exceeded they provide for "breaking" it into new files so that when the crawler through the website and analyzes it can quickly acquire the new pages.
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