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Multidisciplinary teams: what are they?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:40 am
by ishanijerin1
Multidisciplinary teams are work groups formed by different professional profiles. This model appeared in the health sector, but it applies to different areas of the market.

Through a multidisciplinary team, companies are guaranteeing more autonomy to professionals , as well as creative and innovative solutions for new demands.

Continue reading this article to find out what the multidisciplinary teams are and what their benefits, objectives and how to manage them are.

What are the multidisciplinary teams?
Do you know what a multidisciplinary group is ? This concept, which is increasingly popular, can be applied in different contexts and has many benefits for companies.

Multidisciplinary teams are formed by professionals number library with different profiles and skills . It is a group that brings together different technical training, different skills and different interpersonal profiles, which helps to achieve results faster.

By bringing together different experiences and experiences in the same group, multidisciplinary teams can share their knowledge, which helps to think about different solutions and develop innovative projects.

All professionals make the most of their individuality, while their experience supports collective work.

Origin of the concept
Originally, the concept of multidisciplinary teams emerged in the healthcare sector, where professionals from different sectors work together to treat patients.

However, companies quickly adopted this idea, bringing together diverse professional profiles to form new teams, carry out tasks from different visions and create creative solutions to demands.

Also read: 6 tips for managing equipment .

What is the role of the multidisciplinary team?
To better explain the role of the multidisciplinary team, it is advisable to think about the very root of the word. "Multi" expresses the meaning of much . In the case of multidisciplinary teams, we are talking about many skills, qualifications, behaviors and knowledge.

Therefore, a multidisciplinary group has the function of helping the company achieve the objectives set in strategic planning through a culture centered on innovation, adding value to products and services and optimizing the company's performance in your set.

This is due to the professionals of this team constantly exchanging experiences and knowledge, which ends up creating a norm in the decision-making processes, in addition to improving communication and helping to build solutions collaboratively.

Benefits of multidisciplinary teams
Companies that are adopting the formation of multidisciplinary teams can obtain benefits such as:

Different qualifications and experience
The teams have professionals from different areas and who have had different experiences, both in life and in the labor market.

Although it may seem confusing at first, this "mix" of professionals creates more dynamism in executing tasks and making decisions.

With this variety, teams are always prepared to face different scenarios , which guarantees greater productivity, collaborative solutions and a constant exchange of knowledge.

Autonomy in decision making
Multidisciplinary teams also have more autonomy. Given that their backgrounds and experiences complement each other, these teams rely less on directors and carry out business processes more independently.

Different points of view
The same situation can be understood in different ways. And this diversity of perspectives helps to propose more effective solutions, taking into account a series of notes.

More creative solutions
By having different points of view, the solutions end up being more creative. At the end of the day, there will be different experiences in the same project.

Most committed professionals
With more autonomy, space to exercise creativity and a constant exchange with other people, these professionals are more committed. At the end of the day, there is an opportunity to bet on something new, share creative ideas and be free to propose new things.

Improvement continues in the processes
Finally, it is worth highlighting the continued improvement of the processes , as multidisciplinary teams come to the bottle cell faster and can think of different strategies to solve existing problems.

Key data on multidisciplinary teams
Investigations into the behavior of professionals and teams from different sectors can help companies understand the importance of forming multiplier groups.

According to a study by the Fellipelli consultancy, 58% of the people studied felt a lack of autonomy in their work .

Thus, according to this study, 75% of people work guided by the collective interests of the company .

According to a Gallup study, 27% of people evaluated are actively engaged . In other words, there is still a long way to go to motivate employees.

A McKinsey study shows that companies with diversity deliver up to 25% better results .

Furthermore, according to McKinsey, companies that have diverse equipment have an 80% greater chance of developing an open dialogue with employees and a 66% greater chance of promoting a culture of innovation .

How to manage a multidisciplinary team?
Do you want to form and manage a multidisciplinary team? Consult some important tips that will help you with this topic.

Have good planning
When it comes to management, the first step is always planning. Define the company's objectives, study the skills of professionals and form teams aligned with the objectives.

Take personality tests
There are tests to evaluate the personality of professionals. Understand the behavior profile of people, classifying them according to their rationality, level of intuition and even whether they are extroverted or introverted.

Define individual roles and delegate functions
It clearly defines what the role of each professional will be within a project and delegates functions according to each person's skills. It is essential that everyone participates!

Create a regular feedback program
Continuously evaluate professionals and provide feedback on their performance. It's not simply about highlighting failures, it's about finding paths to collective and individual improvement.

Create space for dialogue
Create an open communication channel with professionals. The more freedom you have to propose ideas, the greater the possibilities of developing innovative solutions.

Carry out training
In this case, we are not talking about major events and meetings, but rather internal training provided by the team's own people. The idea is to always be exchanging knowledge and allowing the team to acquire new skills.

Why is all-in-one software essential?
Multidisciplinary teams - all-in-one software

To improve results and optimize the work of multidisciplinary teams, all-in-one software is essential. This tool allows you to store information about employees, projects, the improvement of business processes, and the monitoring of indicators for visual management and much more.

This type of tool brings together all the solutions that the company needs in an integrated and native way and shares the data necessary for the execution of strategic actions between the different sectors of the company.

SYDLE ONE is SYDLE's all-in-one platform. This brings together several tools, including:

BPMS ( Business Process Management )

CRM ( Customer Relationship Management )

ECM ( Enterprise Content Management )

Service Desk




The platform also allows the parameterization of new solutions, according to business needs, based on a low-code system , which will guarantee more innovation and digitalization for the brand.

Do you want to know more? Read our article about what SYDLE ONE is and discover how we can help you achieve a true digital transformation in your business.