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Online media gives content marketing wings

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:53 am
by Arzina333
Another example of pure content marketing is Albert Heijn's AllerHande. That magazine has been around since 1955. Okay, in the beginning it was mainly information about the store itself, but later household tips and recipes were added and it became more of a magazine.

Success stories with a problem
Content MarketingJust three examples of content marketing from the time when nobody had ever heard of content marketing. But three with a serious problem, a distribution problem. It cost a lot of money to let people know that you had content that they could use. And because you couldn't make the content available digitally, it was shared only moderately and very slowly. In those days, you didn't quickly say to your neighbor: "Hey Roderick, do you have part 11 of Shell Helpt yet? No? You can borrow mine." And if you did, it took a year before the neighbor at the end of the street had it. By that time, Shell already had part 20 at the gas stations. In short: it was old wine in old bottles.

But now the old wine is in new bottles. And they are digital! That makes a world of difference. In time and money. On the computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet, everyone can search and find content online, access it at any time and share it endlessly and at lightning speed. For content promotion, you are therefore less dependent on expensive advertising campaigns.

The online possibilities add a new dimension. They give content marketing wings. Provided the content:

meets the information needs of your target group, nepal phone data so that they will look for it;
content is SEO-proof so that it can be found;
is so valuable and attractive that it is consumed, appreciated and shared;
is so convincing that it leads to the desired behavior.
Is content marketing a miracle cure after all?
If we are to believe Joe Pulizzi , content marketing evangelist, we are even on the eve of a marketing revolution . Perhaps Joe is exaggerating a bit. After all, he is an American. In the meantime, there is a lot going on in the advertising and media world. And the question arises whether you as a marketer should seriously invest in content marketing in 2013.

Content marketing deserves our attention at the very least. Because it can be an instrument with which you can achieve your marketing communication objectives better and faster. And because the online dimension makes content marketing more complex and extensive, it requires a lot of up-to-date knowledge and specific skills to use it effectively. Content marketing is becoming a field of expertise