The importance of blogging and content generation on a corporate website

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The importance of blogging and content generation on a corporate website

Post by sakib30 »

Generating content for your company's website
Generating content for your company's website is one of the most solid and unquestionable strategies in the world of digital marketing.

Did you know that 65% of the content created is difficult to find , poorly presented or unattractive to your target audience? Do you think you can continue with the same strategy?

Unfortunately, many companies create content “because they have to”, to have a blog or to say that they have a presence on all possible channels. However, there is no point in opening channels that are not going to be optimized. On the contrary, it will harm both your brand and your reputation.

As pointed out by the Study of Content Marketing in Latin America and Spain, only 15% of companies are unaware of the potential of content marketing . So much so that 60% of companies prioritize the creation of a blog .

However, to successfully generate content for your company's website, you first need to create a content culture. That is, an environment where everyone knows your value.

Some people have found that blogging can make money. Others believe that it is the worst way to waste time. However, the biggest challenge in creating content for your company's website is being consistent and creating quality content.

Why invest in content generation for your company's website? 1.- You will improve your positioning in search engines
Generating content for your company's website

The blog is one of the best and most powerful tools for achieving organic positioning on the Internet.

Do you know why? The blog is the best friend of linkable content. This means that it will boost the traffic generated within your website.

This will make it easier for users to navigate your company's website. Search engines will also give more value to the sites they visit, so you will be able to climb the rankings.

45 % of companies say that their SEO positioning strategies and content marketing strategies are closely linked. And that is precisely why they claim that their results are better.

2.- You will increase the traffic you receive from search engines
Generating content for your company's website is vital. Bear in mind venezuela number screening that the first result will be that you will improve your positioning in search engines, which will give you greater visibility.

As a result, you'll be able to be present for a larger number of people. In fact, it's very likely that you'll be found by some of the potential audience that didn't know anything about your business yet. The more posts you share (obviously quality ones), the more opportunities you'll have to attract valuable traffic.

In fact, there are studies that indicate that corporate companies that have between 51 and 100 entries generate 48% more traffic than companies that only have between 1 and 50 pages. So much so that brands that have a blog receive 55% more web traffic than those that do not.

3.- Increase the importance that Google gives to your site
The number of backlinks, or external links, is important for how search engines value your website. The more backlinks you receive, the better you are in Google's eyes. In other words, the Internet giant will identify that your website is relevant, since it is assumed that no one will link to a worthless site.

From here, search engines build a direct relationship between the number of links a website has and the position it is given in search results.

In addition to analyzing the quality of the website and the number of links it has achieved, it is also necessary to evaluate the quality of the website that links to it . In this way, Google evaluates the quality of both parties. If the linking site is not well-rated by Google, the link will not have the same consistency as if it were produced from a well-regarded, well-rated and quality website.
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