Apps are purchased most often

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Apps are purchased most often

Post by Arzina333 »

Orientate online, buy offline
Nowadays, consumers have access to a wealth of information via the internet, but the strategic use varies greatly. Eight out of ten Dutch people orient themselves online in order to then make the final purchase in a physical store, but it can also be the other way around. For example, 40% of Dutch people go to a physical store to orient themselves, in order to then purchase the product via the internet. This behaviour is more common among higher educated people. Half of this group buys online after having oriented themselves 'offline', compared to a third of lower educated Dutch people. In addition, almost four out of ten shoppers sometimes check their smartphone to see where the product is cheapest at that moment.

When we look at purchasing behavior through mobile devices, we see that there is a difference in the amount of products that are purchased with the different devices. Although many apps are free, this is the product category that most online shoppers spend money on. People make more purchases with the tablet and almost all products are purchased more often with a tablet than with a smartphone. For example, people buy apps, books and electronics more often with a tablet than with a smartphone. Clothing and concert tickets are purchased almost equally often on both devices.

When buying online with a mobile device, more than half (57%) use a mobile website or an app. More than a quarter only use (mobile) websites, while one in ten only uses apps for online purchases.

Influence of social media on purchasing behavior
Eight out of ten Dutch people (79%) say they are not or portugal phone data hardly influenced to buy something because companies they follow on Facebook or Twitter recommend something. A number of Dutch people sometimes buy something because friends or family (7%) or companies (9%) they follow recommend it via social media. It is striking that it apparently does not matter much whether it is friends or companies that give the tips. Dutch people between the ages of 18 and 44 are more susceptible to tips from others (10%) or companies (11%) via social media than the group of 45 years and older (both tips from friends and companies 3%).
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