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You need a manager who lets you experiment

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 9:14 am
by Arzina333
Conditions for a successful co-creation community
Doing meant giving feedback. During the process, a weekly email was sent to the participants with the results, so that they could see which ideas were picked up. Hilma emphasized that it was also important to give feedback on which ideas were not picked up and for what reasons this was not done.

In addition to these tips, she mentioned a number of conditions for a successful online co-creation community:

You must spend sufficient time on input and feedback;
Give appreciation, not money;
Trust your gut feeling: how do you want to be approached?
“Just do it!” The dialogue alone yields a lot;
Ensure sufficient support from the MT and management to take action.
Especially this last point was missed by Hilma in the trajectory of De Bovenkamer. While the platform was developed for reuse and the necessary investments had been made, De Bovenkamer was still 'only' seen as market research. The organization was not ready to further develop the community and involve it in other projects. And so it came to an end after 5 weeks. Incidentally, involving the MT and creating support is a challenge that many co-creators and community managers face. Someone from the audience summed it up nicely as 'the upper room versus the gut feeling'.

Innovation in construction
After Hilma's presentation, Marieke Schoenmaker (gamechanger) spoke about the building blocks of co-creation. She showed a recent article from the NRC about builders who have to seduce their russia phone data customers in the current, difficult times. The crisis forces them to come up with creative means and create new opportunities. Co-creation can be seen as a successful method of the future.

The Wooniversum Experience by VolkerWessels is such a creative solution. Customers no longer have to peer at construction drawings, but can walk through their future home using virtual reality technology. Together with the builder, they can furnish their ideal home, even before it is built.

Building blocks of co-creation
The founders of the term co-creation, Prahalad and Ramaswamy, mention four building blocks for successful, valuable co-creation in their book 'The Future of Competition' (2004).