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Represent your core process in a funnel

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 9:34 am
by Arzina333
Testing, testing, testing
It can also help to perform a usability test to see with your own eyes how visitors use your site. And what they encounter. If you have an idea where you can improve the results, then formulate your improvement solutions. You will test these step by step. If you change a headline or place a CTA more prominently, does this lead to improvements? It is advisable to start small with an A/B test: you test a variant against the original page (the control version). Depending on the daily visitor numbers, a test takes one to two weeks.

The outcome of an A/B test can be negative. Although this may seem disappointing at first glance, this is an important learning moment. Do not jump to conclusions by stopping testing that variant. But try to understand why something does not work and apply this to a new variant. If the result is positive and you are certain that this will result in structural improvement, then make the change permanent. The diagram below shows that conversion optimization is a continuous process.

6 Tips to Optimize Conversion
First of all, you will need a good measurement system to measure your conversion. Most organizations use web statistics (e.g. Google Analytics or Adobe SiteCatalyst). Whatever package you use, make sure you measure your goals. Once you are sure you have the right data, you can get started.

The first place to look for possible improvements is in your core process: the payment (check-out). The different steps in this process can be represented as a funnel. For each step, singapore phone data you hope that as few people as possible drop off. Where too many people drop off, you may have a problem. The extent to which people complete the payment is expressed as a percentage: funnel conversion rate.

2. Use the conversion rate as an indicator
How many people of the total number of visitors ultimately convert is expressed in the conversion ratio. Although both figures are useful as a general indicator, you will not be able to steer on this. You will quickly notice that you have to go into depth: segmentation.

3. Segment your channels
Segmenting means that you set different groups of visitors against each other. Standard segmentation of your channels is : paid versus unpaid search results, campaigns, newsletters, etc. By analyzing per channel, you will see that the conversion rates differ. It can also be useful to apply segments within a channel. So within the channel banner campaigns you will look at how the individual banner campaigns perform.