What does an email marketing executive need today? [Interview with Andrea Quiroga]

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What does an email marketing executive need today? [Interview with Andrea Quiroga]

Post by suhashini25 »

From our blog we bring you a new interview on the context of digital marketing and email marketing.

On this occasion, we had the opportunity to meet Andrea Quiroga, a full-time account executive at Mittum , who has carried out arduous tasks for the company and has gained great experience through her efforts.

Andrea Quiroga, in an interview for Mittum
Andrea Quiroga, in an interview for Mittum

We share his words with you below:

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Andrea, today you work as a full-time executive with Mittum. What is that experience like?
Tell us, what are the skills and attitudes that an email marketing executive should have today?
We know that not everything is always easy. What challenges do you think are the most important for an email marketing executive in the future?
Finally, what has been your best experience at Mittum? And what would be an experience that has left you with a lot of learning?
Andrea, today you work as a full-time executive with Mittum. What is that experience like?
It's a pretty big challenge, I have one of the finance and banking email list most important accounts in the company in my hands and it's an impressive challenge every day.

It is a very rewarding experience to be able to work as an email marketing executive and, above all, to always stay up to date in order to offer the best service and coordinate the implementation of the best email marketing practices for the channel.

Tell us, what are the skills and attitudes that an email marketing executive should have today?
It is very important for an email marketing executive to know that this medium is used to communicate directly with the client, but not to sam them until they get tired and unsubscribe from our communications.

You must be aware that depending on the nature of your business , it is the way in which you are going to communicate with the client, you must also learn to know your end user, know what they are interested in receiving and what they are not.

Today's needs for brands in relational email marketing - [Interview with Marta Rams]
Unfortunately, there are many companies that do not understand the importance of planning a good email campaign, and they always leave everything to the last minute, generating unflattering results, as they tend to send their promotional campaigns on the same day that they expire, causing the user to not interact with the email in the way expected.

We know that not everything is always easy. What challenges do you think are the most important for an email marketing executive in the future?
The most important challenge is to evangelize the importance of reaching end users' inboxes directly, and above all, to create strategies to stand out among the hundreds of emails they receive.


Finally, what has been your best experience at Mittum? And what would be an experience that has left you with a lot of learning?
Definitely one of the best experiences I have had over the years is having won the award for Best e-Mail Marketing Solutions Provider Company this year . It was a reward for the great work carried out in this company.

The biggest learning experience was having implemented responsive design for email marketing pieces within Mittum. It was a pretty big challenge, but we took a step forward.

As you can see, email marketing executives don't have it easy these days. Andrea is a symbol of effort and dedication. The entire Mittum team applauds your efforts!
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